Okey, so take two was allot more successful. First of all, I changed the signage, to newsprint, and the text written on with black acrylic ink, and a roller, due to a shortage of money, and just because it was allot more easier. It certainly helped in attracting people's attention, from across the street, and even from passers by.
I woke up on wednesday 30th of march, seeing a cloudy sky, and rain pouring down my window, this made me feel hopeless, but after installing my posters, on a wall in Kloof street Gardens, I became hopeful, as Robert, and artist from Cape Town, watered the plants. A girl afterwards, watered the plants, asking me how to keep them alive, because she struggles so much to keep her own alive, and the third, a friend from college, giving me a hand in my project - Stassie Combrink.
Her project (Stassie) consisted of meeting 20 people a day, and to find out, where they come from, and where they are going. Congrats to her, for having the courage to do so, her project was very successful and she ended up meeting very interesting people!
I photographed people, photographing my work, and even if they didn't bother to stop and water them, it did make me feel that I made a very small difference.
Don't know if you guys who photographed and watered the plant, will ever visit the blog, but if you do, thank you, for taking part in my first experiment.